Tuesday, 5 June 2012

5th / 6th June

The 5th we spent all day doing our first aid course 8,30 to 4,30
Most of the morning we concentrated on how to do CPR on both adults and baby and the ABC's - check airway, breathing and circulation.
Then we went over choking, how to dislodge whats stuck in the throat or airway. Again on both adults and babies.
The afternoon we went over burns [different types] and poisons.
We also got up in groups to talk about different aliments [the group I was in, had heart attacks]

The first have of the 6th we finished off the first aid course 8,30 to 12,30
we covered bleeding, shock etc..
Then finally we had to put it all together we a scenario of up to 3 things wrong with the victim

The rest of the day was getting our work on frames up to date and sent in to be marked

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