Thursday, 21 June 2012

20th June

Tools used: hammer, router, F clumps, drop saw

Today I finished off the tie on the window lintel, by marking out the out line of the tie then clumping the tin plate around the mark. Routing it out, then nailing the tie in place to set flash.

After lunch we started on the 'Close couple roof exercise'.
1st we measured the length of the frame to get the length of  the  ridge board + the extra 300mm each end for the gable over hang.

Then we were given the angle of 30 degrees + 1m for the run - .013 for half the length of the ridge board = 987 divided by 30 degrees cos = 1.140 / then we added an other 300 for the over hang / 1287 divided by 30 degrees cos = 1.486. This was the length of the rafter.
Then we cut each rafter with a 30 degree angle at each end. Measure down 1140mm using a bevel to mark down for the birds mouth, which was 18mm with the other end running square from this.

We braced it, running a member down from the ridge to the frame to hold it in place.


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